5 Things Not to Do If You Want to Sleep Better

Sleep is an essential function as a human being. Even though some of us would like to sacrifice sleep altogether to have more time to get things done or experience the more exciting parts of life, we all have to sleep sometime, so you may as well get a good night’s sleep and be well-rested.
Sleep hygiene is a concept that researchers have become very interested in recently because more people have been developing sleep disorders. Many researchers agree that this is in part due to advancing technology and the constant technological distractions society faces. Constant “screen time” can have a negative impact on sleep habits. Stress and anxiety are other leading causes of sleep issues.
Since it’s important to be well-rested and get a good night’s sleep, we’ve put together a list of five things to avoid if you want to sleep better.
Avoid Screen Time 1-2 Hours Before Bed
Screen time is anything that involves a technological screen such as cell phones, computers, tablets, and even TVs. Most screens emit a light frequency that makes it harder to sleep, so if you’re watching tv before bed, scrolling through social media, or even reading an e-book, it can make it harder to sleep. Many devices now come with a night mode, and although night mode is a better option than using your device without night mode, it’s still best to avoid your devices 1-2 hours before bed. If you feel like you need to do something to keep your mind active before bed, then try reading a physical book or magazine.
Stop Drinking Caffeine
Caffeine addiction runs rampant among Americans and other nationalities across the globe. It’s become part of our society to wake up, put the coffee pot on, and drink several cups before going to work, but this societal norm may be ruining your sleep. Even if you only drink coffee or other caffeine in the morning, it can greatly affect your sleep habits at night. If you want to sleep better, try to first reduce caffeine from your diet and then eliminate it completely. The first few days or weeks may be rough, but you’ll likely find you sleep better, and your body will adjust over time.
Don’t Look at the Clock
Do you have a clock by your bed? Do you find yourself waking up in the night and looking at it? This can really be disrupting your sleep patterns. It’s normal to wake up throughout the night, but most of the time we just go back to sleep without really registering that we’re awake. However, if you look at the clock, your brain turns on in a different way and sends signals to your body that it’s time to wake up. The panic of what time it is can also send some people into an anxious spiral that’s detrimental to sleep quality too. If you have a clock by your bed, remove it or hide it. The same thing goes for your phone. You don’t want to wake up and check your phone throughout the night so put it somewhere that’s out of reach.
Stop Eating 2-3 Hours Before Bed
Did you know eating before bed can really mess up your body’s ability to sleep properly? If your body has to focus on digesting your food, then it’s not able to put as much attention on helping you sleep well. Ever tried going to bed with a really full stomach? You probably found yourself tossing and turning more. It’s much harder for your body to digest food late at night, which not only leads to worse sleep, but can also lead to weight gain. It’s best to eat earlier during the evening. If you have to eat late, make sure to keep your dinner light.
Stop Sleeping with Bad Pillows
The pillow you choose makes a huge impact on your overall sleep quality for many reasons. First off, you have to be comfortable in order to fall asleep well. The right mattress definitely matters, but the right pillow matters just as much. Secondly, it’s important to make sure your airflow is unobstructed so you can breathe right. Not only will this help you sleep better, but it will also decrease snoring if you tend to snore. If you’ve had the same pillow for a while, it might be time for a new one. The best pillow will support your head while keeping your neck straight and in line with your body.
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